If you have trouble with a term, look it up! I might write a glossary of sorts one day.

What is Tendai Buddhism?


Tendai-shū (天台宗) is a Japanese school of Buddhism founded by Venerable Saichō (最澄).

Saichō travelled throughout Tang China to bring Tiantai texts to Japan, and in the process studied Chan, precepts (Vinaya), and recieved esoteric transmission. He returned to Japan and subsequently founded Enryaku-ji (延暦寺) temple on Mount Hiei (比叡山). Tendai got approved as a school in 806 and approved for ordination in 822, seven days after Saichō's death.

Tiantai Buddhism


As the foundation of Tendai, it is critical to understand the philosophy of the Tiantai school.

Tiantai, named after Tiantai mountain, grew especially important under the 4th patriarch Venerable Zhiyi (智顗), who is regarded as its founder. He is extremely influencial and important in the history of East Asian Buddhism. He developed and/or expounded upon these following ideas:

Three Truths (Sandai 三諦)

The Three Truths are based on Nagarjuna's ideas of the Two Truths (Conventional and Ultimate). They are as follows:

Ekayāna (Ichijō Bukkyō 一乘佛教)

Ekayāna (Single Vehicle) is an idea derived from the Lotus Sutra (regarded as one of the most if not the most important sutra in Mahāyāna Buddhism). It considers all teachings of the Three Vehicles (Śravaka, Pratyekabuddha, and Bodhisattva vehicles) as skillful means towards the one Vehicle, attaining Buddhahood. In Tiantai, this is interpreted as all schools and practices being non-exclusive and consisting a single convergent path, encouraging multi-practice.

3000 Realms in a Single Thought-Moment (Ichinen Sanzen 一念三千)

This is too lengthy of a concept to explain in a summarized way, please check out it's own dedicated article. In my opinion, this is the most interesting and fascinating Tiantai idea so I highly recommend reading it.

Tendai Doctrine

Original Enlightenement (Hongaku 本覺)

Original Enlightenment is an idea developed by Kūkai, the founder of Shingon Buddhism. It states that all sentient beings are already enlightened, and that enlightenement is not something to be gained, but to discover in ourselves. The only reason we can't see it is because we are clouded by delusion, and thus our journey is to realize that we are already Buddhas. There is no difference between Buddhas and us. Actually, there is no difference between beings fundamentally as we are all equally empty. In Tendai, all of phenomena is part of the primordial Buddha.


Because of the doctrine of Ekayāna, all practices are performed by Tendai followers, because they all lead equally to enlightenement. Those are:

  1. Meditation (Zen 禪)
  2. Meditation practices, mostly taken from Venerable Zhiyi's works. I might make an article covering this in detail.

  3. Pure Land (Jōdo 浄土)
  4. Pure Land practices focus on mindfulness of Amida (Amithaba) Buddha's name and Nembutsu (念仏) (Namu Amida Butsu), in the hopes of getting reborn in the Pure Land of Sukhavati. A Pure Land is a realm belonging to a Buddha where they teach the Dharma. In that sense, our current world is the Pure Land of Shakyamuni Buddha (the one Buddha you know!). The reason people choose Amida's Pure Land is because it is easier to get to due to his vows and because it is guaranteed to be taught the Dharma there without obstacles. In Tendai, the Pure Land is both literal and mind-only, and mostly practiced through Shinnyokan (真如觀), meditation on Suchness (reality just as it is).

  5. Precepts (Kai 戒)
  6. Under Tendai, the traditional Vinaya precepts were dropped in favor of the Bodhisattva precepts (Bosatsukai 菩薩), so that ordinations no longer had to pass through the corrupt state. Tendai takes its version from the Brahmajāla Sūtra. They are as follows:

    1. Not to kill or encourage others to kill.
    2. Not to steal or encourage others to steal.
    3. Not to engage in licentious acts or encourage others to do so. A monk is expected to abstain from sexual conduct entirely.
    4. Not to use false words and speech, or encourage others to do so.
    5. Not to trade or sell alcoholic beverages or encourage others to do so.
    6. Not to broadcast the misdeeds or faults of the Buddhist assembly, nor encourage others to do so.
    7. Not to praise oneself and speak ill of others, or encourage others to do so.
    8. Not to be stingy, or encourage others to do so.
    9. Not to harbor anger or encourage others to be angry.
    10. Not to speak ill of the Buddha, the Dharma or the Sangha (the Triple Jewel) or encourage others to do so.

    In Tendai, following these precepts is a valid path to enlightenment.

  7. Esoteric (Mikkyō 密教)
  8. Esoteric teachings, only allowed for the ordained, are part of what is called Vajrayana Buddhism (Diamond Vehicle). The teachings can only be passed down from teacher to student for correct practice, and thus there are esoteric lineages. They are often about connecting to a deity or the primordial Buddha Vairocana. The Three Secrets (San Mitsu 三密) of body, speech and mind, are expressed through forming mudras, reciting mantras and visualising maṇḍalas. Uniting with the universe, Vairocana, allows us to realize our own enlightenment in this body.

Shinto Syncretism

Tendai follows its own Shinto sect, called Sannō Ichijitsu Shintō (山王一實神道). They revere the Moutain King Sannō, which resides on Mount Hiei. According to legend, Sannō taught Saichō the true meaning of the Lotus Sutra. Sannō worship greatly depends on esoteric practices.

Honji Suijaku (本地垂迹)

Honji Suijaku is an idea that states that Shinto Kami are emanations (Gongen (権現)) of various Buddhist deities, as skillful means to guide the Japanese people.


I hope this doctrinal overview helps in understanding what are Tendai practices and beliefs. It is very important in understanding the modern landscape of Japanese schools, because a lot of influencial schools such as Zen, Jōdo Shū, Jōdo Shinshū and Nichiren were founded by former Tendai monks. Tendai's historical and doctrinal foorprint is all over Japanese Buddhism, and as such it is impossible to understand it without first understanding Tendai.

Have an excellent day.


Sources & Further Reading: